With cool things to push, pull, and slide on the cover and every spread for interactive fun, this chunky board book gives children their first enticing taste of non-fiction!
Explore our different titles in this popular series!
Brilliant Bugs
Explore the forest, a busy pond and the steamy jungle. Spot the spiders, butterflies and stick insects, as well as lots of other amazing creepy crawlies who live all around us.
Explore prehistoric forests, swamps and woodland. Meet Velociraptors, Triceratops and the fierce Tyrannosauris rex, as well as lots of other amazing creatures who lived in the ancient world.
In the Jungle
Travel deep into the jungle and what will you see? Exciting creatures in all shapes and sizes, from fluttering butterflies and chameleons to tigers, leopards, and elephants! With scenes to push and pull, bright illustrations that convey fun facts, and an invitation to spot animals on every page, this is a magical introduction to the natural world.
Wild Animals
Explore grasslands, the dry desert and a busy watering hole. Meet giraffes, hippos and lions, as well as lots of other amazing animals who live in the wild.
Sea Creatures
Swim through coral reefs, rock pools, and deep blue seas to see what lives in and near the ocean! Encounter some amazing creatures: scuttling crabs, tentacled jellyfish, slippery eels, and penguins, seals, and giant whales that like icy-cold water. From pretty starfish to fierce sharks and octopuses, each one is fantastic.
My Body (new!)
Our bodies are amazing machines! Take a look inside and learn all about the brain, the heart, the stomach, and more. As little hands pull the tabs and spin the wheels, they'll get to see a skeleton, learn why playing and running keep us healthy, and discover what happens when we eat an apple. It's the perfect book for young scientists.