This series of readers is specially written for pre-school children. This series has a total of 10 books with selected themes closely relating to our everyday lives.
Accompanied with vivid illustrations and simple language, this series should easily capture the attention of young children.
Each book also contains a reading guide to facilitate interaction between parents/teachers and child.
This series aims to:
• Help pupils to acquire literacy
• Build pupils’ vocabulary
* Simple words and sentence structure to encourage reading
* Contextual storytelling
* Vivid illustrations to capture pupils’ interest
Also available:
* Little Reader Series (0-3 years)
* Little EQ Reader Series (0-3 years)
本系列是专门为幼儿编写的一套读物。一共有五本书。每个主题都和幼儿的生活息息相关。书本的图画生动, 有趣,文字简短,易明,容易吸引小孩子的注意。每本书后面都附上全文汉语拼音以及导读,供家长与教师参 考.
* 书中简单的文字与句子易于引起幼儿的阅读兴趣
* 主题以日常生活常见的事物为题材,增强联想及应用力
* 图画生动有趣