New titles added to this series which focuses on developing emotional intelligence of young readers aged 0-3.
Children will be made aware of the different emotions they experience and guided on how to manage them. The texts are deliberately kept simple and appropriate for preschool children, and the illustrations are done in a variety of styles to stimulate interest.
乐中学 《小豆豆情绪智商系列》是林美莲博士多年来观察研究幼儿心理与情绪的结晶,书中也结合了周美丽
About the Author:
Dr Connie Lum graduated from the University of Western Australia. She is currently the Group Mother Tongue Languages Officer at NTUC First Campus. Dr Lum has a wealth of experience in pedagogy design and has been invited to speak at many local and international conferences.
作者简介 :
林美莲博士,毕业于西澳大学,现任职总优儿学府母语课程策划总监。在教学设计方面,林博士积累了许多宝贵的经 验,并且多次于国内外讲学,分享学前教育的心得。